
+36 20 264 6163 & +36 70 630 1400


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Nyelvoktatás szolgáltatásunkról

nyelvoktatásEducomm nyelvoktatás: nyelviskolánkat 2004-ban alapítottuk azon céllal, hogy a nyelvi képzés terén a beszédcentrikusságot, a nyelvhelyességet és az egyéni igényeket előtérbe helyező módszerekkel oktassuk a tanulni vágyókat az ország egész területén. Mára az Educomm Nyelviskola az ország valamennyi régiójában rendelkezik profi munkatársakkal.


Language courses in companies 

Educomm Language school is your perfect choice if you wish to provide your employees with in-house foreign language training. Our school offers companies favourably priced, excellent quality and reliable foreign language courses in theEnglish, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Swedish, Serbian, Polish, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian languages. We have an extensive teaching network of qualified, experienced and proved linguistic experts, with whose help we are able to deliver effective language training at any point inHungary.

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Private language lessons for children, students and adults

We have a great deal of experience in effective language learning and are happy to help you find the best solution. If required, we assess your language learning needs and individual or special requests, check your language skills and help you find the best private teacher in the area.

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Traveller’s Language Pack - a unique distance learning system

The Educomm Traveller’s Language Pack is an effective means, and supplement, for learning a foreign language rapidly and successfully. We offer 2 packs on CD in audio or mp3 format: English Beginner and English Advanced.

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