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Over the past few years, our agency worked for a number of known and recognised organisations.
Some clients give us assignments only occasionally on 2-3 occasions a year, while others rely on our support regularly, monthly, or even daily.
Here are some major partners and projects:
- We began regular co-operation with ERSTE Bank Nyrt. (Hungary) in June 2007. Our first assignment was simultaneous interpretation and the supply of interpretation equipment in a four-language international conference. Our agency produces primarily HR, strategic, financial and legal translations for the bank.
- Translation of online and offline catalogues for OTTO Central Europe Ltd. (Hungary) from German into Czech, Romanian and Hungarian.
- Translation of the operating interface of Trilobita Zrt.’s TriDoc (Hungary) document management system into 9.5 languages (the simplified and traditional Chinese language is referred to with an index of 1.5) followed by the uploading of the translations into the system, control and correction of the text labels in line with the function, available space and layout.
- Translation of the instructions of entertainment industry devices, home furnishing accessories and beauty care products distributed by Tchibo GmbH Hamburg (Germany) from German into Hungarian.