2004 óta 1600 ügyfélnek, 15.000-nél több megrendelést teljesítettünk, amelyhez 250 alvállalkozó munkáját vettük igénybe.
Our quality assurance system is based on 5 main pillars that guarantee the quality of our services and the satisfaction of our clients.
- Minőségi nyelvi szakértői gárda (fordító, tolmács, tanár, lektor, minőségellenőr)
- Trained, polite, helpful, precise and effective staff
- Efficient IT background, supportive IT systems
- Process management: regulated and controlled processes
- Strict quality control and effective quality assurance
Continuous development Educomm translation agency already has:
- Proved and reliable and native-speakertranslators
- Advanced hardware infrastructure and a corporate governance system
- Up-to-date software pool (MemoQ Server, Trados Studio, Transit NXT, Across, Adobe Indesign, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, etc.)
- 24/7 availability
- 15 years of translation organisation and quality control experience
- Trainer level understanding of CAT tools
- The ability to deliver on time at the agreed prices
The 8 page publication on the work processes of our translation agency (introduction, customer relations processes, translation scenarios, contact) is available in the following languages: